Insect Allergy

Can Bee Stings Cause Allergic Reactions?

Most people are not allergic to insect stings, but it’s important to know whether you are allergic or not. A bee sting allergy is rare, but symptoms are usually severe and immediate. Allergic reactions to insects such as bees, wasps, hornets or yellow jackets may result in:

  • Swelling

  • Urticaria (Hives)

  • Drop in blood pressure

  • Tightness in the chest

  • Difficulty breathing

In some rare cases, a bee sting allergy may cause anaphylaxis, which is potentially life threatening. If a bee sting allergy causes breathing difficulties, you should immediately contact a medical professional. Though a true bee sting allergy is uncommon, it should be treated as an emergency.

People with a true insect venom allergy usually get an epinephrine self injector to carry with them. The venom immunotherapy is very effective for these patients. If you believe you have an allergy to bee stings or other insect venom, Dr. Atul Shah of the Center for Asthma & Allergy can help. His patients-first approach offers individualized attention to your needs as a patient, so that he can design the proper treatment plan that fits your allergy and your lifestyle.

If you’re concerned that you or your child may be suffering from a bee sting allergy, come see world class allergist Dr. Shah. The Center for Asthma & Allergy in Shirley, Long Island, New York has proudly served Suffolk County for over a decade. Please contact Dr. Shah’s office at 631-395-5464 for a consultation to discuss your concerns about allergic reactions to bee stings, wasp venom and other insect venom with our renowned allergy specialist.

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